In the heart of a lush summer, 'Summers Secrets' delicately unfolds the complexities of young love and self-discovery among three close friends on a seemingly idyllic camping retreat. Ezra and his girlfriend Mila, alongside their best friend Thomas, escape the confines of their everyday lives to immerse themselves in the freedom and wild beauty of nature. As they engage in the carefree joys of cliff jumping and skinny dipping. This poignant coming-of-age drama bravely explores the nuances of sexuality, focusing on the burgeoning, yet concealed, romantic feelings that develop between Ezra and Thomas.

Summers Secrets

Directed by. Callum Martin

Director of Photography. Callum Martin, Darcy Wootton-Davies

Assistant Director. Ollie Bergeret-Leech

Assistant Camera. Tom Ellison

Sound. Alethea Pedley

Score. Scott Holmes

Vocalist. Freddie Yowstra

Editor. Callum Martin

Ezra. Kristian Wilkes

Thomas. Josh Hewitt

Mila. Becky Cooke